Get To Know Me
Hi all!! I'm Alyssa, the owner and creator of Knotties Headbands. I grew up in New Hampshire and started Knotties there in my parent's dining room (look how far we've come!) in 2014. After graduating college, I moved down to Charlotte, NC for a teaching position. Funny story... I was there for a weekend visiting a friend, went on a few interviews for practice (she was a teacher too), got offered a job on the spot and said yes! "Hey mom & dad. guess I'm moving to CLT!". This led me to teaching 7 years of first grade and became the inspiration for our teacher themed Knotties, which is the true reason this business took off.

This past year, we got our sweet golden retriever, Pancake, who was the inspiration for Knottic Pups. I started making him tons of bandanas and thought "we could make these match our Knotties!". Recently. my fiance, Andrew and I made the decision to move to NYC. I have moved EVERYTHING Knotties to Manhattan and we are living our best city lives! I can't wait to see what opportunities Knotties will have here and what's to come in the future. Thank you to ALL of my customers for always supporting and encouraging me and my small business. I truly could not do it without you.